Workshop 35
BostonAPP/Lab Notes from January 28, 2019
An unsurprising assertion: all of us inevitably find ourselves moving — or not! — by ourselves or with assistance, through complicated urban environments (Central Square, or similar, to take a handy example), whether walking, dancing, driving, biking, boarding, wandering, or some combination.
Given that, is it possible to come up with ways to create “collaboration” among these kinds of movement – beyond traffic lights/street signs/crosswalks — and to bring art and design to ease, or even enhance, the experience of moving through public space? This Workshop will unpack – and, with your participation, repack – the working definition(s) of movement to brainstorm some new initiatives for “nurturing navigation” in public spaces.
Stage setters for this will include: Peter DiMuro, Executive Artistic Director, The Dance Complex; Liz LaManche, Urban Artist; and David De Celis, DCVL Design and Cambridge Public Art Commission.
“Collaboration,” someone wrote, “is not about glueing together existing egos. It’s about the ideas that never existed until after everyone entered the room.”
NOTES: This workshop especially inspired a number of ideas/recommendations/”what if’s.” Which of them inspire you? What’s missing? What needs more investigation? What’d be great, if only...? Let us know and we’ll post them on our website. Send to: Definitely want to hear from you!
Visual Enhancers
Art in trees
Projections on buildings, draw peoples’ eyes
More “kinetic art”
Incorporate art that makes people look up/down
Use vacant storefronts for pop-up events beyond gallery shows
Playful, ephemeral installations, incorporated into existing, available spaces (parks, sidewalks)
“Art alley”
Arrows on the sidewalk as an installation of flashing lights to direct foot traffic, or color lines to direct pedestrian to different locations.
Walking as play: cf. Liz LaManche’s work in East Boston
How to make sidewalk a “canvas”
“Leave a poem-book/take a poem-book”
Art that encourages playfulness
Pedestrian Experience
Insulate pedestrian zones with planters
Incorporate seating at major intersections
Activate side streets, with attractions/opportunities for engagement, including parkour/climbing structure
Enhanced wayfinding signage (for vehicular traffic as well?)
Social media apps that allow immediate interactions/disrupt “solitariness”