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Workshop 35


BostonAPP/Lab Notes from January 28, 2019


  • An unsurprising assertion: all of us inevitably find ourselves moving — or not! — by ourselves or with assistance, through complicated urban environments (Central Square, or similar, to take a handy example), whether walking, dancing, driving, biking, boarding, wandering, or some combination.

  • Given that, is it possible to come up with ways to create “collaboration” among these kinds of movement – beyond traffic lights/street signs/crosswalks — and to bring art and design to ease, or even enhance, the experience of moving through public space? This Workshop will unpack – and, with your participation, repack – the working definition(s) of movement to brainstorm some new initiatives for “nurturing navigation” in public spaces.

  • Stage setters for this will include: Peter DiMuro, Executive Artistic Director, The Dance Complex; Liz LaManche, Urban Artist; and David De Celis, DCVL Design and Cambridge Public Art Commission.

  • “Collaboration,” someone wrote, “is not about glueing together existing egos. It’s about the ideas that never existed until after everyone entered the room.”


NOTES: This workshop especially inspired a number of ideas/recommendations/”what if’s.” Which of them inspire you? What’s missing? What needs more investigation? What’d be great, if only...? Let us know and we’ll post them on our website. Send to: Definitely want to hear from you!

  • Visual Enhancers

    • Art in trees

    • Projections on buildings, draw peoples’ eyes

    • More “kinetic art”

    • Incorporate art that makes people look up/down

    • Use vacant storefronts for pop-up events beyond gallery shows

    • Playful, ephemeral installations, incorporated into existing, available spaces (parks, sidewalks)

    • “Art alley”

    • Arrows on the sidewalk as an installation of flashing lights to direct foot traffic, or color lines to direct pedestrian to different locations.

    • Walking as play: cf. Liz LaManche’s work in East Boston

    • How to make sidewalk a “canvas”

    • “Leave a poem-book/take a poem-book”

    • Art that encourages playfulness

  • Pedestrian Experience

    • Insulate pedestrian zones with planters

    • Incorporate seating at major intersections

    • Activate side streets, with attractions/opportunities for engagement, including parkour/climbing structure

    • Enhanced wayfinding signage (for vehicular traffic as well?)

  • Technology

    • Social media apps that allow immediate interactions/disrupt “solitariness”

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